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Barracks Emperors - Imperial crisis
Barracks Emperors - Imperial crisis
Stater - first denomination
Drachma - first global currency
Tetradrachm - silver pieces of art
Aureus - golden Roman Empire
Denarius - most welcome Silvercoin
Denarius serratus
Sesterces - Masterpieces in Bronze
Solidus, the reliable - from AD 300-599
Divine Solidus - from AD 600 onwards
Roman Republic - the common cause
Roman Imperatorial - 49-27 BC
The twelve (12) Caesars
The five good Emperors
AD 69 - first year of the 4 Emperors
AD 193 - year of the 5 Emperors
The Antonines - AD 138-192
The Severan Dynasty - AD 193-235
Barracks Emperors - Imperial crisis
Constantine - rising Eastern Roman Empire
Byzantine coinage - Scyphates
Gothic Art - prime of medieval craft
Ecu - the heraldic shield
Louis d'or - French King's pride
Ducat - famous gold coin
Aurum - divine metal
Silver - metal of Luna
Bronze - first alloy of valuables
Electrum - the pale Gold
Bonaparte - exceptional leader
Bourbon Restoration
Napoleon III - President & Emperor
Medals - Masterpieces in details
Shooting Medals - awards for the bests
Netherlands - United Provinces 1581-1795
Equus - galloping through history
Numismatic Zoo
Griffin - Abdera, Teos and Athena
France - House of Capet, 987-1328
France - House of Valois, 1328-1498
France - House of Orléans & Angoulême, 1498-1589
France - House of Bourbon, 1589-1792
Anglo Saxon Silver (AD 600-1154)
Middle Ages - early coins until 1100
Gallant Medieval - coins from 1100-1500
European Medieval Gold
World coins in Gold
Greeks - in Sicily
Greeks - in Italy
Greeks - between Black- & Mediterranean Sea
The Carthaginians
Julius Caesar - a man with big aims
Octavian - Augustus Imperator
Nero - fire & reconstruction
Vespasian - Flavian Dynasty
Trajan - optimus Princeps
Hadrian - restitutor orbis terrarum
Diocletian - Roman hardliner
Lugdunum - significant Roman mint
Roman women - hidden power
Roman Bronze Medallions
Consecratio - divine honour
Legionary Denarii
Unfortunate left side
Roman Power in Bronze
Archaic coins - quadratum incusum
Lydia & Mysia - first coins
Daric - feared archer
Celtic coins - unconventional & mysterious
Pattern coins - coveted collectibles
Shipwreck coins
Louis XIII - birth of the Louis d'or
Louis XV - the unforseen King
Louis XVI - victim of his time
Alexander the Great - famous Macedons
Diadochi - Alexander's successors
Lucania - part of Magna Graecia
Tarentum - Sparta's sole colony
Apollo - god of light & shadow
Heracles-Hercules - beloved hero
Athena - adored guardian
Pegasus - friend of the gods and men
The Dioscuri, Castor & Pollux
Chariot races - celebrated charioteers
Papal States - Vatican
Memorabilia & Varia
Cistophori - Pergamon's sacred basket
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
Athens Silver Owl
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Aemilian, 253
Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270
Gordian III, 238-244
Magnus Maximus, 383–388
Maximinus I. Thrax, 235-238
Philip I, 244-249
Philip II, 247-249
Postumus, 259-268
Probus, 276-282
Pupienus, 238
Trajan Decius
Trajan Decius, 249-251
Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253
Valerian I, 253-260
Roman Empire
Double Sestertius
Æ Antoninianus
Provenance after the 1970 UNESCO Convention
Almost uncirculated
Extremely fine
Mint state
Very Fine
Graded NGC
Barracks Emperors - Imperial crisis
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Showing 1 - 22 of 22 items
Roman Empire, Probus, 276-282, As ca. 276-282, apparently unrecorded
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Roman Empire, Postumus, 259-268, Double Sestertius ca. 261, Colonia, from the Luc Girard collection
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Roman Empire, Gordian III, 238-244, Aureus, Rome, with certificate
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, Tetradrachm 250-251, Antiochia
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Roman Empire, Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270, Antoninianus 268-269, Antioch
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Roman Empire, Aemilian, 253, Sestertius 253, Rome
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Roman Empire, Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253, Sestertius 251
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Roman Empire, Probus, 276-282, Aureus, Pavia
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Roman Empire, Pupienus, 238, Sestertius, Rome, rare
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Roman Empire, Valerian I, 253-260, Æ Antoninianus 255-256, uncertain Syrian mint
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Roman Empire, Philip I, 244-249, Antoninianus 244-247, Rome
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, 249-251, Antoninianus ca. 250-251, Rome
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, 249-251, Antoninianus 251, uncertain mint
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, 249-251, Sestertius 251, Rome
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Roman Empire, Philip II, 247-249, Sestertius 244-247, Rome
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, 249-251, Aureus
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Roman Empire, Magnus Maximus, 383–388, Solidus, Treveri
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Roman Empire, Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253, Sestertius
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Roman Empire, Maximinus I. Thrax, 235-238, Denarius, Rome, rare
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Roman Empire, Maximinus I. Thrax, 235-238, Sestertius, Rome
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Roman Empire, Postumus, 259-268, Sestertius, Cologne
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Roman Empire, Trajan Decius, 249-251, Double Sestertius, Rome
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Showing 1 - 22 of 22 items