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Ancient Coins
Byzantine Coins
John V Palaeologus & John VI Cantacuzene, 1353 - 1354
John V Palaeologus & John VI Cantacuzene, 1353 - 1354
Arcadius, 383 - 408
Eudoxia, 400 - 404
Theodosius II, 402 - 450
Marcian, 450 - 457
Pulcheria, 414 - 453
Leo I, 457 - 474
Verina, 457 - 484
Leo II, 473 - 474
Zeno, 474 - 491
Ariadne, 476 - 491
Basiliscus, 476 - 477
Zenonis, 474 - 477
Leontius, 484 - 488
Anastasius I, 491 - 518
Justin I, 518 - 527
Justinian I The Great, 527 - 565
Justin II, 565 - 578
Tiberius II Constantine, 578 - 582
Maurice Tiberius, 582 - 602
Focas, 602 - 610
Revolt of Heraclius, 608 - 610
Heraclius, 610 - 641
Heraclius Constantine, 641
Constans II, 641 - 668
Constantine IV, 668 - 685
Justinian II, First Reign, 685 - 695
Leontius, 695 - 698
Tiberius III, 698 - 705
Justinian II, Second Reign, 705 - 711
Philippicus, 711 - 713
Anastasius II, 713 - 715
Theodosius III, 715 - 717
Leo III, 717 - 741
Artavasdus, 742 - 743
Constantine V, 741 - 775
Leo IV, 775 - 780
Irene, 797 - 802
Nicephorus, 802 - 811
Michael I Rhangabe, 811 - 813
Leo V, 813 - 820
Michael II, 820 - 829
Theophilus, 829 - 842
Michael III, 842 - 867
Basil I, 867 - 886
Leo VI, 886 - 912
Alexander, 912 - 913
Constantine VII, 913 - 959
Romanus I, 920 - 944
Romanus II, 959 - 963
Nicephorus II Phocas, 963 - 969
John I Zimisces, 969 - 976
Basil II Bulgaroktonos, 976 - 1025
Constantine VIII, 1025 - 1028
Romanus III Argyrus, 1028 - 1034
Michael IV The Paphlagonian, 1034 - 1041
Michael V Calaphates, 1041 - 1042
Zoe & Theodora, 1042
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042 - 1055
Theodora, 1055 - 1056
Michael VI Stratioticus, 1056 - 1057
Isaac I Comnenus, 1057 - 1059
Constantine X Ducas, 1059 - 1067
Eudocia, 1067
Romanus IV Diogenes, 1068 - 1071
Michael VII Ducas, 1071 -1078
Nicephorus III Botaniates, 1078 - 1081
Alexius I Comnenus, 1081 - 1118
John II Comnenus, 1118 - 1143
Manuel I Comnenus, 1143 - 1180
Andronicus I Comnenus, 1183 - 1185
Isaac Comnenus, 1184 - 1191
Isaac II Angelus, 1185 - 1195
Alexius III Angelus, 1195 - 1203
Michael VIII Palaeologus, 1261 - 1282
Andronicus II Palaeologus, 1282 - 1328
John V Palaeologus & John VI Cantacuzene, 1353 - 1354
Theodore I of Nicae, 1208 - 1222
John III of Nicae, 1222 - 1254
Theodore II, 1254 - 1258
John V Palaeologus & John VI Cantacuzene, 1353 - 1354
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