Ancient Coins
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World Coins
Stephan I, 997 - 1038
Karl Robert, 1307 - 1342
Ludwig I, 1342 - 1382
Maria, 1382 - 1387
Sigismund, 1387 - 1437
Albrecht of Habsburg, 1437 - 1439
Wladislaw I of Jagello, 1440 - 1444
Johann Hunyadi, 1446 - 1453
Ladislaus V, 1453 - 1457
Matthias Corvinus, 1458 - 1490
Wladislaw II of Jagello, 1490 - 1516
Ludwig II, 1516 - 1526
Johann Zapolya, 1526 - 1540
Ferdinand I, 1526 - 1564
Maximilian II, 1564 - 1576
Rudolf II, 1576 - 1608
Matthias II, 1608 - 1619
Ferdinand II, 1619 - 1637
Ferdinand III, 1637 - 1657
Leopold I, 1658 - 1705
Franz II Rakoczi, 1703 - 1711
Joseph I, 1705 - 1711
Karl III, 1711 - 1740
Maria Theresia, 1740 - 1780
Franz I of Lorraine, 1746 - 1765
Joseph II, as co-Ruler, 1765 - 1780
Joseph II, as King, 1780 - 1790
Leopold II, 1790 - 1792
Franz II, period 1, 1792 - 1806
Franz II, second period, 1806 - 1835
Ferdinand V, 1835 - 1848
War for independance, 1848 - 1849
Franz Joseph I, 1848 - 1916
Karl IV, 1916 - 1918
Transylvania (Siebenbuergen)
Isabella and Johann II Sigismund, 1556 - 1559
Johann II Sigismund, 1559 - 1571
Stephan Bathori, 1571 - 1575
Christoph Bathori, 1576 - 1581
Elisabeth Bocskai, 1577
Sigismund Bathori, 1581 - 1602
Moses Szekely, 1602 - 1603
City of Nagyszeben - Hermannstadt, 1605
Stephan Bocskai, 1604 - 1606
Sigismund Rakoczi, 1607 - 1608
Gabriel Bathori, 1608 - 1613
Michael Weiss, 1612 - 1613
City of Brasso - Kronstadt, 1612 - 1615
Gabriel Bethlen, 1613 - 1629
Katharina Bethlen, 1629 - 1630
Stephan Behtlen, 1630
Georg I Rakoczi, 1630 - 1648
Georg II Rakoczi, 1648 - 1660
Achatius Barcsai, 1659 - 1660
Johann Kemeny, 1661 - 1662
Michael Apafi, 1661 - 1690
Emerich Thokoly, 1682 - 1690
Franz II Rakoczi, 1704 - 1711
Leopold I, 1691 - 1705
Joseph I, 1705 - 1711
Karl III, 1711 - 1740
Maria Theresia, 1740 - 1780
Karl Batthyani, 1764 - 1772
Ludwig Batthyani, 1787 - 1806
Nicolaus Joseph Esterhazy, 1762 - 1790
Christian Hermann Roth, 1645 - 1690
Hermann Roth, 1690 - 1726
Jeremias Roth Senior, 1690 - 1751
Heinrich Fuchs, 1729 - 1751
Paul Gottlieb Nuernberger, 1709 - 1746
Georg Schuler, from 1709
Octavian Cochsel,1742 - 1750
Regency, 1919 - 1944
People's Republic, 1949 - 1989
Second Republic, since 1989
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